Financial Services

Anderson School District Five 
Office of Financial Services



P.O. Box 439

Anderson, S.C. 29622
Phone: (864) 260-5000 
Fax: (864) 222-4919

Welcome to Financial Services. The goal of the division is to support the mission of Anderson School District Five.

 District Mission
To educate students who are college and career-ready and will positively contribute to an ever-changing world.

Administrative Staff

Amy Heard, CPA, Chief Financial Officer

Amy Heard

Sheryl Page, Administrative Assistant to the Chief Financial Officer

Sheryl Page

Yashica Lee, Administrative Specialist

Yashica Lee

Dana McClung, Director of Finance

Dana McClung

Melanie Jameson, Payroll and Systems Manager

Melanie Horton

Brandi Runion, Accounting Manager

Brandi Runion

Kim Morgan, Director of Federal & State Programs

Kim Morgan