Academic Component
The academic curriculum is interdisciplinary and theme-based. Modifications are made to provide a faster pace, greater depth, sophistication, and complexity, with earlier introduction to skills and advanced content. Curriculum experiences and activities are designed to reinforce student strengths. At all levels, instruction meets and exceeds South Carolina standards and provides challenging experiences relevant to real-life.
Criteria for Placement
To qualify for placement in services for academically gifted, students must meet minimum scores in two of the following three dimensions:
- Dimension A - Reasoning Ability: Requires students to demonstrate high aptitude (93rd national age percentile or higher) in one or more of these areas: verbal/linguistic, quantitative/mathematical, nonverbal, and/or a composite on a nationally normed aptitude or intelligence test. Scores on the second grade CogAT may be used for this purpose.
- Dimension B - High Achievement in Reading and/or Mathematical Areas: Requires that students demonstrate high achievement in reading and/or mathematical areas (94th national percentile or higher) as measured by a nationally normed or statewide assessment. Scores on the second grade Iowa Assessments (IA) may be used for this purpose. A score within the top 10% on SC READY or Math is also accepted, as well as Fall and Spring MAP.
The results from the administration of the aptitude (CogAT) and achievement (IA) tests are entered into the Gifted Identification Forms and Tasks (GIFT) software program, which identifies students who automatically qualify for a gifted and talented program. GIFT also identifies those students who may benefit from a secondary screening using the Performance Task Assessments (Dimension C).
- Dimension C - Intellectual/Academic Performance: Requires students to demonstrate a high degree of interest in and commitment to academic and/or intellectual pursuits or demonstrate intellectual characteristics such as curiosity/inquiry, reflection, persistence/tenacity in the face of challenge and creative productive thinking. One of the methods by which these characteristics may be demonstrated is with a score of sixteen on either the verbal or nonverbal component of the Performance Task Assessments for grade 3 through 6 placement.
A cumulative end-of-year grade point average of 3.75 on a 4.0 scale in core subjects and foreign language (rising grades 6 - 12) may also be used.
Automatic Eligibility for Placement in Grades 3-12
Requires a composite score of 96th national age percentile or higher on a nationally normed aptitude/reasoning ability test.
Student assessment measures are continuously reviewed for possible qualification for the gifted academic program, and students may enter the program at any year from grades 3 through 12. Parents, teachers, or other parties knowledgeable of the student’s abilities may refer a student to have his/her profile looked at individually, but students must meet the state criteria to be eligible. Private test results cannot be used for determining student eligibility, although they may be considered for referral purposes (24 S.C. Code Ann. Regs. 43-220.2 (B) (7) (b).
Service/Delivery Models
- Elementary (Grades 3-5): Site-Based Programs, Pull-out
- Middle School (Grades 6-8): Daily classes in English/Language Arts, Math, and Science
- High School (Grades 9-12): Honors and Advanced Placement Programs
Academic Screening and Identification Timeline
Note: Initial screening does not in itself guarantee placement. Placement will be made upon determination of eligibility throughout the school year.
August – June (All Grades)
- Continuous review of each student’s eligibility status.
November (Grade 2)
- Census administration of nationally-normed Reasoning Ability and Achievement tests (CogAT and Iowa Assessments)
February (Grade 2)
- Reasoning Ability/Achievement Test results returned to district. Written notification to parents of student eligibility status
February – March (Grades 2-5)
- SC Performance Task Testing for eligible students
April – May (Grades 3-8)
- SC READY testing
June – August
- SC Performance Task and ACT Aspire results returned to district. Written notification to parents of qualifying students.
Individuals may discuss assessment decisions by calling the District Office at 864-260-5000.